Welcome to Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baghpat


Geographically location of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra is 280 57’ north longitude and 770 13’ east latitude Krishi Vigyan Kendra is situated at Delhi – Saharanpur highway 20 Km away from Delhi behind the Khekra Tehsil

District Geography & Climate

Average rainfall 550 mm, maximum temperature 41.550C, minimum temperature 4.990C, average wind velocity 4.61km/ha.

Social & Economic Profile

Total geographical area (ha) 132100, total population 1302156, percentage of farmer to the total population 42.7, population density per sq km 881.0, number of females for thousand males 847, Literacy (%) 64.2, Per capita income 4148.80, family and child welfare centre 221, number of village 315, percentage of electrified village 99, number of Tehsil 03 , community Development Black 06, rural cottage industry 326, factory 55, small factory 85, cottage industry 71

Agricultural Profile

Total area under agriculture 109000 ha, percentage of small and marginal farmers 87.6%, percentage of area under cultivated land under small & marginal farmers 52.2%, percentage cultivated area under cash crop 44.4%, cropping intensity 159%, net sown area 109136 ha, horticulture area at cultivated land 73 ha, productivity of cereal crop 38.7 qt/ha, use of fertilizer per ha 275.5, cereal production 246000 metric tons, pulse production 0.9 thousand metric tons, oil production 2.00 thousand metric tons, potato production 5.00 thousand metric tons, number of seed sale counter 99, number of fertilizer sale counter 175, number of pesticide sale counter 332, total live stock 534720, total no. of artificial insemination centre 41, number of fish production ponds (apiculture centre) 187, grass irrigated area 175000 ha, total length of irrigation canal 435 km, number of tubewells and pump sets 26774, total number of tractors 12129, number of improved agricultural implements 20584, number of cold storage 04, number of grain storage warehouse 06.